Bundle Baby Blog is BACK!

As in life, sometimes you have to let go of some things to focus on others. So, it’s been a few years since our blog has been tended (feel free to browse through our archives, though, as there are still interesting and relevant posts!). However, we are happy to be back in the world of blogging as we know we can serve a much larger population with helpful tips on raising children well amidst all of the challenges that we face in doing that in the 21st century!

A quote from Gandhi to re-begin this adventure…

“If we are to reach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children; and if they will grow up in their natural innocence, we won’t have to struggle; we won’t have to pass fruitless idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace and love for which consciously or unconsciously the whole world is hungering.”

Gandhi children

Please post a response and let us know what questions you have and what you would like to see discussed!


Baby Led Weaning + Finger Foods

At Bundle we carry this book, which flies off the shelf.  It was always a bit of a mystery to me, honestly, but then I read this article about the research supporting this way of introducing solid foods.  Turns out it leads to healthier eating as baby grows up.  Oops.  Check it out if it isn’t too late!

Julie (bundle’s founder) made the news last week for her ‘unusual’ way of educating her 3 little kids. Straight up school isn’t for everyone;)

Check out the video here.

Opportunity to take part in a study on yoga + pregnancy

The University of Colorado Department of Psychology and Neuroscience is doing a study that focuses on the treatment and prevention of depression among women, with a particular emphasis on women’s mental health during pregnancy and postpartum. They are currently conducting a study investigating the feasibility of a yoga intervention to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression for women during pregnancy.

The yoga class lasts for eight weeks. Participants will be randomly assigned to the yoga class or a treatment as usual group. De West teaches the yoga classes, and is an expert in prenatal yoga.

If you are interested in participating (free yoga!) contact Molly Klekamp:

Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of Colorado-Boulder

Bundle Closing Early Today

Bundle will close at 3:30 today. Please give a call if you want your diaper pick up left out for you. So sorry for the late notice!

Holiday Hours

Bundle will be closed on 12/24, 12/25, and 12/26.  Have fun with your families this happy week!

Snow Day

That was a lot of snow! Bundle is opening at noon today. So far the route is scheduled to go out as normal (but a bit more slowly than usual). I will update you hear and on facebook if the route or open time changes. Stay warm!


Small town living is great for raising kids for lots of reasons. But you just don’t get fabulous inventive places like this to munch on farm fresh salad while your kids play with inventive gorgeous toys. Huge sigh. Can someone franchise this business model so that it can work in smaller markets? Especially in the wintertime, a nice space like Bumble would be a game-changer for the stay-at-homers.


via Oh Joy

Best Toys Ever

If I get one more holiday shopping email! Even my website hosting company is trying to promote some 12 days of christmas buying spree. I have officially had enough of companies trying to convince me to buy buy buy. So I loved this: The 5 Best Toys of all Time, by Jonathan Liu on Geek Dad. Top 5 include: stick, box, string, cardboard tube, and dirt. Yup, it doesn’t get any better than that.

"How long is a piece of string?" by Flickr user izzie_whizzie. Used under Creative Commons License

Holiday Rush + Little Kids

Kids are so so receptive to our pace and mood. Extended family, long to-do lists, activities ending for the term, and travel prep can exacerbate the demands of parenting graciously. Because not only are we dealing with all of these things, but our kids are sensing this and often respond by acting out and pushing boundaries – just when we are least equipped to deal with it!

You can look at parenting like a giant pain in the ass, or as an opportunity to find your highest self in the service of others. To find the quiet in your heart amid chaos. To learn how to listen, and to learn that listening is usually enough. To slow down and open up to your kids.

I enjoyed this article by Megan Tietz of Sorta Crunchy, When Parenting Means Steering Into The Skid.